
Education, Health

Erasmus-KA171-Global Health

Thematic area Type of university mission Applicant Country Duration Partners Scientific responsible for UNIMI Founded by Snapshot of project Objectives Beneficiaries The mobility project will involve UNIMI Depts. of Medicine...

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Geographic area, Health, Sub-Saharan Africa, Thematic area


Thematic area Project type Country Duration Partners Scientific supervisor Founded by Snapshot of project Objectives Beneficiaries ·        Prevent (i) cervical cancer by early diagnosis of high-risk (HR) HPV infection and...

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Central and South Asia, Education, Health, Thematic area


Thematic area Project type Country Duration Partners Scientific supervisor Founded by Snapshot of project Objectives Beneficiaries To foster professional competencies of teachers in distinctive areas of  Environmental & Occupational Health...

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Geographic area, Health, Sub-Saharan Africa, Thematic area

Health screening in Nairobi’s slums

Thematic area Project type Country Duration Partners Scientific supervisor Founded by Snapshot of project Objectives Beneficiaries Worldwide it is estimated that 200 million children under 5 years of age do...

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Geographic area, Health, Latin America and Caribbean, Thematic area

A New Nephro Urologic Department in Managua

Thematic area Project type Country Duration Partners Scientific supervisor Founded by Snapshot of project Objectives Beneficiaries – To develop a Nephro Urologic Department in order to treat any related disease...

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