CI – Coltivare l’Inclusione: sicurezza alimentare e resilienza delle famiglie vulnerabili in Burkina Faso (Let’s grow inclusion: food security and resiliency for vulnerable families in Burkina Faso)

Thematic area

  • Agrifood

Project type

  • Research, Third mission


  • Burkina Faso


  • 2017 – 2019


  • Cristian Blind Mission (CBM Italy)
  • Organisation Catholique pour le Developpement et la Solidarité – Caritas Burkina/Secrétariat Exécutif du Diocèse de Manga (OCADES-Manga)
  • National Association of Burkinabé – Bergamo (ANBB)
  • In Burkina Faso:
  • Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Hydraulic Development (DRAAH) of the Centre-South
  • Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Animal and Fishery Resources (DRRAH) of the South-Central Region
  • Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change (DREEVCC)
  • CBM Country Coordination Office in Burkina Faso (CBMCO)

Scientific supervisor

  • Guido Sali

Founded by

  • AICS

Snapshot of project

GENERAL: To contribute to poverty reduction in Burkina Faso, in line with PNSAN’s vision (2013-2025), with particular attention to people with disabilities and women.
OS1: To sustainably strengthen the food security of vulnerable households in the central-southern region, with a focus on people with disabilities and women in 36 months.
23,945 direct beneficiaries (53% women) of which:
– 5,625 sensitized primary school children in Italy
– 900 producers are trained and start individual agro-sylvo-pastoral activities;
– 600 producers are informed about access to savings and credit services;
– 125 vulnerable people and 150 members of Disabilities Related Organisations (DRO) made aware of access to financial services and the CECI system.
– 873 producers are trained and start up community agro-forestry activities;
– 3,650 people have access to water from water systems;
– 9,000 producers, local leaders and communities raise awareness on cross-cutting issues;
– 60 community operators trained or updated on nutrition and sanitation standards.
– 45 Regional Ministry authorities trained in beekeeping, poultry farming and agroecology;
– 36 managers and staff of microcredit institutions trained.
– 450 producers trained in income-generating and marketing activities.
– 90 local authorities responsible for the statistical services of the 3 provinces trained in disability and inclusion;
– 15 DRO leaders trained on People with Disabilities Rights and Food Security and related advocacy techniques. 33% 67%
– 25 members of the CONASUR inter-ministerial committee trained on Disabled Persons in Disaster and Food Crisis Management (IDDR)
– 45 adults from the Burkinabé community, living in Bergamo and province, strengthen their language skills.
– 2,000 people (Italian institutional figures; Italian community, Burkinabé and Niger community in Italy) sensitized on project and co-development issues
– 25 parents of Italian primary schools are made aware of inclusion and disability in developing countries.
– 225 primary school teachers in Italy are made aware of inclusion and disability in developing countries
– 6 university students from the Burkinabé community in internship c/o CBM Italia collaborate in co-development projects
Role of UNIMI
The DISAA supervised the training activities provided to the technicians of the ministerial technical services. Moreover, the DISAA supervised the participatory impact assessment of the technical training provided by the technical services (in the context of the CI project) to local farmers and breeders.
