Erasmus-KA171-Global Health

Thematic area

  • Education
  • Health

Type of university mission

  • Education


  • Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM)
  • Faculties of Health Sciences


  • Africa
  • Mozambique
  • Faculties of Health Sciences


  • 2023-2026


  • Monzabique (local partner)
  • Medici con l’Africa-Cuamm (other partner)

Scientific responsible for UNIMI

  • Stefania Recalcati

Founded by

  • N.D.

Snapshot of project

The mobility project will involve UNIMI Depts. of Medicine and UCM Fac. of Health Sciences, who will exchange teachers and students. They will compare and discuss on their different methodologies and organizational approach. Specific aims are: a) for student, to obtain new skills and knowledge, learn to collaborate in teams and perceive the values of different cultures; b) for teachers, to learn new teaching methodologies, develop skills, scientific knowledge of diseases in different regions and social contexts. The expertise of the two universities in training and research activities and in the various operational experiences on the ground (e.g., hospitals) will foster new collaborations or exchange at scientific, cultural and social level in the context of cooperation, also in the frame of capacity building projects.
The project can have also more general effects as it offers a more modern vision of the idea of internationalization, also understood as a response to the needs of less developed countries and therefore of cooperation.
Student and teachers of the two University, but also other people working in the Hospitals and finally patients
Role of unimi
With this mobility projects UNIMI intends to favor the mobility of incoming students from the region, but most of all the mobility of teachers in both ways, considering that the shortage of qualified health workers in low-income countries makes ‘on-the-job’ health training one of the most pressing issues of care and treatment.
Students and teachers will have the opportunity to follow seminars also in the frame of UNIMI’s vocational master program in Global Health, that focuses on the study of major global health issues from a multidisciplinary and international perspective.