SRI-PROM – Sviluppo Rurale Integrato in Sri Lanka: riso e spezie dalla Produzione al Mercato

Thematic area

  • Agriculture

Project type

  • Research


  • Sri Lanka


  • 2018-2021


  • ICEI (Istituto di Cooperazione Economica Internazionale)
  • Ecowave Guarantee Limited
  • Rajarata University
  • Chamber of Commerce of Ampara

Scientific supervisor

  • Sara Borin

Founded by

  • ND

Snapshot of project

The project aims at the socio-economical development of the rural population in Sri Lanka through the development of high-income eco-sustainable supply chains for small farmers. The specific objective is the improvement of rice and spices production chains, typical of Sri Lanka, from crop production to transformation and marketing sustaining the ecological and fair-trade conversion, promoting local and international marketing and structuring private/public collaborations.•500 rice and spices small producers (max 5 acri), 30%  under 35
•30 micro-entrepreneurs active in product transformation
•120 officers and technicians in the public and private agriculture sector
•5 Sri Lanka organisations active in the Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP FairTrade)
•600 farmers will benefit from the development of the transformation unit of Ecowave, to which they will deliver their products
•674 farmers of the Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP) will benefit from the development of their reference organisations
•Farmer families (around 6000 people) will benefit from the envisaged income increase
Role of UNIMI
Research collaboration with the local university on the development of microbial-based biological fertilisers.