Cibo e lavoro: autoprodurre con dignità – AID10925

Thematic area

  • Agriculture

Project type

  • Third mission


  • Algeria- Tindouf, Campi profughi Saharawi


  • 2018 – 2020


Ministerio de Desarrollo Saharawi

SIVtro VSF Italia

Scientific supervisor

  • Lidia Limonta

Founded by

  • AICS

Snapshot of project

1) Enrichment and diversification of the food of refugees
2) Strengthening of local institutions delegated to food production (Ministerio de Desarrollo Economico; Ministerio de Salud Publica through its Veterinary Directorate and Ministerio de Cooperacion as the institution responsible for harmonizing external cooperation interventions)
3) Strengthening of women’s cooperatives dedicated to the production, conservation and marketing of food.
– Saharawi Refugee Camps: 2,100 families (12,600 people) residing in the tent cities which will be equipped with 2 Moringa trees each; 46 operators from the MD and the Veterinary Department (DV) who will be trained and equipped with work materials; 9 executives from the MD, the DV and the Ministry of Cooperation (MC) who will receive ad hoc training, equipment and studies on the basis of which they can better plan their own intervention policies; No. 20 women’s cooperatives dealing with small food processing businesses.
Role of UNIMI
– Technical support (3 missions)