ARDST – Appui au retour des réfugiés et déplacés par les biais de la sécurisation de terres

Thematic area

  • Agrifood
  • Migration

Project type

  • Research, Third Mission


  • Democratic Republic of Congo


  • 2015 – 2019


  • NGO Caritas Development Goma
  • NGO Les Heritiérs de terres

Scientific supervisor

  • Guido Sali

Founded by

  • European Commission (grant N°360149 of ICSP – Instrument contributing stability and peace)

Snapshot of project

General objective: Contributing to the identification of solutions to the root causes of the conflicts in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo by:
–         Supporting land tenure security;
–         Facilitating the return of refugees and displaced persons;
–         Strengthening the capacity of host communities to cope with possible emerging issues related to the return of refugees and displaced persons.
Specific objectives:
–         SO1: Disseminate a better knowledge of land rights and the current status of the land situation among the populations of the project area and raise awareness among the political, administrative and customary authorities.
–         SO2: Put in place conditions favouring the return of IDPs and refugees and their acceptance by the local, already resident, population.
SO3: Promote and/or consolidate cohabitation between different communities torn apart by a painful past through their common cultural heritage (duty to remember).
The aim is to raise awareness among approximately 500,000 adults. Indirect beneficiaries of the project are estimated at 430,000 refugees, including 75,000 direct beneficiaries. The potential indirect beneficiaries of the methodology and approach proposed are approximately 850,000 Internationally Displaced People (IDPs).
The project also focuses on the political and administrative authorities.
Role of UNIMI
DISAA’s role is mainly focused on SO2 by:
–         Supervising the surveys implemented by partners in refugees camps and in the study area;
–         Contributing to the definition of the three pilot sites (for refugees’ return) in relation to the information collected by direct survey.
–         Evaluating agricultural sector potential for development.
–         Drawing-up participatory methodologies for the release of available land.
Drawing-up land evaluation methods, in particular with regard to the suitability of the land.
